Numbers Posters
Personal Work: A series of posters featuring the numbers 1–5. The plan is to continue with 6–9 and add zero at the last. Or first. Whatever…

Embry-Riddle Brand Standards Manual
Design for the brand standards manual for Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.

Embry-Riddle "Leading Edge" Ad Campaign
A series of ads featuring real life research projects at the university.

Research Park Brochure Cover
This is a cover design concept for a new research and technology park that is to be built on the campus of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Florida.

Sheldon Good & Company Corporate Ad Campaign
Concepts for a corporate ad campaign for Sheldon Good & Company, a New York-based real-estate firm. The ads ran in various business publications. Obviously the theme is about Sheldon Good developing a "focus" on their client's business.

Marriott Vacations Club International
Large format newsletters for Marriott Vacations Club International employees.

Marriott Vacations Worldwide—Europe
A selection of works for the European Resorts of Marriott Vacations Worldwide.

MVW College Recruitment Posters
A series of college campus employee recruitment posters for Marriott Vacations Worldwide, an international vacation resort company.

MVW Management Development Program
Marriott Vacations Worldwide created this Management Development Program for the advancement of their associates through a series of intensive training applications.

Worlds of Discovery Project
A series of posters and displays used to help brand a collection of theme parks as "Worlds of Discovery."

Heathrow Country Estates

Fifth and Main Condo Auction
Brochure for the auction of 26 luxury condominiums in Nashville. Certain graphic elements were "scuffed" to give the brochure an old music poster feel.

Racebrook Capital Ad Series
A series of magazine ads for a financial client. From minimalist to a monochromatic look, the client settled on the last ad in this series.

The Wellesley
Ad campaign to sell the remaining 8 units of an upscale condominium.

Williams Construction Brochure
A brochure for Williams Construction, a commercial builder with headquarters in Center Florida.

Metropolis Creative Process
Satirical view of the ad agency's creative process using the ZeitGuys font as part of the illustration. This was a double page spread for a company brochure.

Happy Card
A holiday card designed for almost any occasion.

Metropolis 15th Anniversary Book
To celebrate the company's 15th anniversary, I wrote and designed a humorous look back at 1996 and all the things that happened that year. A timeline across the top of the pages gave information about events such as the "birth" of Dolly, the first cloned sheep.

Rollins College Science Center Grand Opening
A gift box design for the Edyth Bush Charitable Foundation for the Grand Opening of the newly renovated Bush Science Center at Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida.

The Sage at Winter Park
An ad campaign for The Sage at Winter Park, a green condominium project, while it was still under construction.

Brochure for Bishop Moore Catholic High School
Brochure for Bishop Moore Catholic High School, Orlando, Florida designed for parents, alumni and benefactors.

Baha Mar Large Window Display
A large window display for Baha Mar, a massive resort complex in The Bahamas.

Display for Cable Beach Golf Club
A wall display for the Cable Beach Golf Club at the Baha Mar resort in The Bahamas. This piece was almost as big as an outdoor board.

Baha Mar Trade Show Booth
This large trade Show Booth was designed for Baha Mar, a huge, multi-hotel resort in The Bahamas.

Direct Mail for Winter Park Health & Fitness
A post card direct mail campaign for a health and fitness club in Winter Park, Florida.

Apostolicas Brochure Folder
A sales brochure/folder for a real estate development company.

Health First Newspaper Ad
A full-page newspaper ad for a group of orthopedic surgeons.

Hyatt's Palm Terrace Restaurant
A poster designed for onsite advertising of a restaurant located in the Hyatt Orlando.

IBIS Ad Campaign
Newspaper ad campaign for IBIS, a business solutions company.